The easiest way is to choose unpopular places. Yes, in remote or hard-to-reach countries, ecological recreation is more feasible than in popular areas. This is because there is less tourist flow and less stress on the eco-environment.
You already know what signs eco-tourism should have: learning about nature, preserving ecosystems, and respecting the interests of residents. Here are three whales that drive sustainable travel. But how do you know if your route or hotel meets these criteria? I have already spoken about the beaches. The most famous landmark so far is considered the "Blue Flag". But what about hotels, cafes, and restaurants.

Most often, the location can be selected by the name with the prefix "eco". True, there may be pitfalls here, because now more and more hotels prefer to call themselves "eco", as it is fashionable and prestigious. However, “eco” in the name, location in a natural massif, and decoration with raw materials of knowledge and premises do not at all guarantee a truly respectful attitude to nature.
It is good that there is a practice of certification of hotels and restaurants in our time, including the environmental component. This is done by the International Organization for Environmental Education (FEE). FEE has developed an international voluntary certification program of hotels, hostels, boarding houses, business centers, recreation centers, and campgrounds - "Green Key". The unified international criteria of the Green Key program relate to several areas of the hotel's work: environmental management, hotel employee engagement, information for guests, water consumption, cleaning and laundry, waste management, energy consumption, food and drink in hotel restaurants, office work, green areas and parking lots, environmental and nature conservation activities, administration. The criteria are divided into mandatory and recommended. National standards, taking into account the legislation of a particular country, may differ by no more than 20% from international ones.

A true eco-hotel must have such a certificate. Usually, it can be seen right at the entrance; it is a small green sticker with a whole picture. But when booking, it is quite possible to ask for supporting documents to be sure of the choice of the hotel.